Friday, December 27, 2013

Some Situations to mull over in Group Discussion for Engineering Students

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Some Situations to mull over in Group Discussion:

Eager-beaver wanting to initiate the GD...

  • Beware.By initiating the GD,you are putting yourself in the spotlight and chances are that you will be remembered for it.All the more reason to create a positive impression...Therefore,

  1. Don't jumpstart without understanding the topic completely.

  2. Don't Stammer,stutter,mumble or jumble.

  3. Don't misquote facts and figures.
  • It's Great if you are the one to set the ball rolling...only ensure it doesn't roll into the gutter! Initiate the discussion only if you are sure about the topic.Else,Listen to others for sometime and pick up pace from there.

Too many wannable leaders...

  • The Leader is no doubt admired.but in a group of ten members,If all ten want to play the leader,it can result in utter chaos.Observe the group dynamics and see if you can smoothly step in as the leader who will be accepted by the team members.No fun in being a leader without followers!If you feel there is too much competition for the top,don't worry.You can still play the role of an effective mediator or idea generator.
  • Whether you choose to show yourself as the leader or not,ensure you speak sensibly for at least 2-4 minutes in a typical 10-15 minute GD.

'Help! I don't know anything about this topic...'

  • There is no shortcut to sound preparation.So read a lot and stay updated on current affairs and latest happenings.Research on popular GD topics and organise mock sessions for that extra shot of confidence.
  • Despite all this,if you still land up in this quandary,you are not left with much choice...Listen attentively to what the other group members have to say and piece together the information bits to give you some idea.
  • Then ease into the discussion,probably by supporting the view point of a stronger speaker.
  • Summarising or concluding the GD is also an ideal option if you don't know much .By summarising the group's discussion,you project your listening skills,speaking skills and comprehension.However,be alert because more than one person may be waiting to do the same thing!


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