Sunday, December 29, 2013

Computer Networks Lecture Notes

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Hai Engineers,

Here are some Lecture Notes on the Computer Networks Topics. This Stuff will be useful for both CSE and ECE Students. Three Units of Computer Networks are added. More Topics will be updated as soon as we get the materials.
  • Process to Process Delivery
  • Logical Addressing
  • Domain Name System(DNS)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Zoho Placement Question Papers

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Zoho Placement Question Papers:

  • Zoho is one of the biggest website based company in india.Google has many faces like Gmail , Google Play,Google drive,YouTube,Google docs,Blogger , Google Groups ,Google Code...etc...
  • Similarly,Zoho has many faces under Zoho Corporation in which most of their services like Mail , Calender , Contacts , Tasks , Notes , Docs , Links ,Chatting app, Groups ,Writer , Zoho Creator , Sheet , Show , Meeting , Wiki , Notebook , CRM , Projects , InVoice , Share , Planner , Chat , Market Place , People , Recruit ,Reports , Assist are free for online users.

Steps to Follow While Writing a Professional Email or memo

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Read the previous mail or reply  carefully.Understand what is expected of you.Underline the keywords and plan the points to be covered.Make sure that you donot miss anything that is expected of you.


Express yourself briefly and clearly.For a memo or Email you don't need to include To,From or Date.try to make use of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure.Make the language suitable for the readers(s).


After Writing,read what you have written,correct mistakes and make improvements.If you want to add anything,use a sign,e.g.,put a line through anything you want to omit.Don't rewrite the whole of your answer.If there is a word limit provided(Previous company mail),make sure that you stick to it.

Strategies to follow in Essay Writing Idea Generation

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  • Telecom scams,Corporate social responsibility,stock Market,Politics in the balkans and the list goes on.You can expect to be surprised with the sheer range of topics you might have to encounter in essay writing.
  • There is no substitute to active reading to enhance your knowledge base which is a very critical aspect to write a successful essay.Apart from taking up to active reading,it is also imperative that you are able to think on your feet and come up with a lot of good points and perspectives.
  • The following approaches can augment your chances of being able to present your ideas and thought processes in a more exhaustive manner.
1.Keyword Approach:
  • In any essay topic,there will be keywords that are loaded with meaning and open to interpretation.You should use these points to derive points to discuss.
2.Viewpoints of Affected Parties Approach:
  • You should look at the pros and cons of the topic,and try to bring forth your views on the parties which would probably be affected by any decision(adverse or otherwise)taken.Essentially consider the viewpoints of all stake holders concerned to the topic of discussion.
3.Socio-cultural,Political,Economic,Legal and Technological (SPELT) Approach:
  • You should analyze a given topic from multiple angles.All topics would be having at least one of the SPELT angles associated with it and that should be explored.
  • You should bear in mind that it may not be possible to use each of the above mentioned approaches in isolation for every topic.You should try using a combination of the above said approaches in order to generate the maximum number of points that you can use effectively in a generating ideas for writing an essay.
Essay Topics for practising idea generation:

1.Is the death penalty effective?

2.To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?

3.Should student's textbooks be replaced  by notebook computers?

4.Should students be allowed to have cellphones in elementary and high schools?

5.Should Wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations?

6.Should money be spent on space exploration?

7.Is fashion important?

8.Are we too dependent on computers?

9.In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie?

10.The destruction of the world's forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows.Do you agree?

Common Types of Interview for Engineers

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The Following are the most common types of interviews.As far as freshers are concerned,especially in campus and pooled campus recruitment,HR and Technical Interviews are the most popular.

Traditional HR Interview:
  • Most Interviews are face-to-face.The most traditional is a one-on-one conversation with the HR executive.Your focus should be on the person asking questions.Maintain eye contact ,listen and respond once a question has been asked.
Panel Interview:
  • In this situation,there is more than one interviewer.Typically,three to ten members of a panel may conduct this part of the selection process.
  • This is your chance to put your group management and group presentation skills on display.Remember to take your time in responding to questions.Maintain primary eye contact with the panel member who asked the question,but also seek eye contact  with other members of the panel as you give your response.
Technical Interview:
  • The Object of this interview is to basically evaluate your technical knowledge.Majority of the questions will be based on the skill sets mentioned by you in your resume.Hence,a bit of discussion while preparing the resume can channelise your interview in the correct direction.
  • You can also expect questions on your project and its execution.Be prepared to go into the micro-level.
  • If the interviewer goes to a part of your skill,which you are not comfortable with,try to divert his attention to some other part in which you are an expert.Try to explain things in a simple way and be precise in your answers.
Telephone Interview:
  • Many organizations will conduct interviews by telephone to narrow a field of candidates.Telephone interviews may also be used as a preliminary interview for candidates who live far away from the job site.It is important to treat this interview as you would a face-to-face connection.Arrange for a quiet space and time to schedule the conversation.Focus on the conversation.Listen to the questions carefully before you answer.Since your voice is key,convey energy with inflection in your voice.
  • Have a copy of your resume nearby as a reference.Avoid using a phone with call do not want to be interrupted during an interview.

What is an Interview and its importance for getting jobs

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What is an Interview and its importance for getting jobs:

  • An Interview is a conversation between two or more people (the interviewer and the interviewee)where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.
  • During the course of the interview,through a series of questions,the interviewer's task is to analyse whether you are suitable for the job while your task is to demonstrate that you are suitable for the job.
  • If you have managed to land on the interview chair,you have crossed all the hurdles between you and your dream job,except the INTERVIEW.So far so good.
  • But one goof-up at the interview can as well send you spiralling down to the bottom to start all over again.
So read on and prepare well...

Prepare for the interview:
  • Clear guidance,solid research and pre-interview homework by itself will lend you a clearer perspective and help you answer most of the interview questions!
  • Interview Dressing!
  • Will dressing properly get you the job? Of course not,but it will give you a competitive edge and a positive first impression.Throughout the recruitment process,employers use short-cuts,heuristics or rules of thumb to save time.With cover letters,it's the opening paragraph and a quick scan of your accomplishments.With the job interview,it is how you're dressed that sets the tone of the interview.
  • And you cannot go wrong by being formal,boring and conventional!
Answering Interview Qs:

  • When it comes to answering interview Questions,KISS - Keep it Simple and Straight.
  • However,do not give abrupt one-word answers.
  • If you don't know an answer,admit it.DO NOT TRY to make up and answer.That might lesson your chances of getting through.
  • Ensure you retain your identity.Be Natural but polite.
  • And with this ,you are through.


Points to Remember during Group Discussion for Engineering Students

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Points to Remember during Group Discussion:
  1. Always Enter the discussion room with a piece of paper and pen.In the first few minutes,if allowed ,jot down as many ideas as you can.

  2. Everybody else will state the obvious.So,highlight some points that are not obvious.This will be appreciated by the panel members.

  3. Your Contribution is based on quality and not on quantity.

  4. Don't Try to show off.

  5. Never address the panel members.

  6. Don't ever criticize other group members.If you choose to differ,do so politely and confidently.

  7. Your body language says a lot about you. Your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to reflect your attitude than what you say.So maintain good posture and eye contact.

  8. Read,read and read more to keep yourself abreast of current affairs and hot issues.Then practise,practise and practise harder to ensure you dazzle the rest with your performance.

Some Situations to mull over in Group Discussion for Engineering Students

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Some Situations to mull over in Group Discussion:

Eager-beaver wanting to initiate the GD...

  • Beware.By initiating the GD,you are putting yourself in the spotlight and chances are that you will be remembered for it.All the more reason to create a positive impression...Therefore,

  1. Don't jumpstart without understanding the topic completely.

  2. Don't Stammer,stutter,mumble or jumble.

  3. Don't misquote facts and figures.
  • It's Great if you are the one to set the ball rolling...only ensure it doesn't roll into the gutter! Initiate the discussion only if you are sure about the topic.Else,Listen to others for sometime and pick up pace from there.

Too many wannable leaders...

  • The Leader is no doubt admired.but in a group of ten members,If all ten want to play the leader,it can result in utter chaos.Observe the group dynamics and see if you can smoothly step in as the leader who will be accepted by the team members.No fun in being a leader without followers!If you feel there is too much competition for the top,don't worry.You can still play the role of an effective mediator or idea generator.
  • Whether you choose to show yourself as the leader or not,ensure you speak sensibly for at least 2-4 minutes in a typical 10-15 minute GD.

'Help! I don't know anything about this topic...'

  • There is no shortcut to sound preparation.So read a lot and stay updated on current affairs and latest happenings.Research on popular GD topics and organise mock sessions for that extra shot of confidence.
  • Despite all this,if you still land up in this quandary,you are not left with much choice...Listen attentively to what the other group members have to say and piece together the information bits to give you some idea.
  • Then ease into the discussion,probably by supporting the view point of a stronger speaker.
  • Summarising or concluding the GD is also an ideal option if you don't know much .By summarising the group's discussion,you project your listening skills,speaking skills and comprehension.However,be alert because more than one person may be waiting to do the same thing!

Technical Group Discussion for Engineering Students

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Technical Group Discussion for Engineers:

Case Study:

  • In a case study,a problem situation is given typically with a central character involved.The group members have to understand the situation and resolve it.As such,there are no right and wrong answers.However,such GDs are usually not popular in freshers' recruitment.They are more popular in MBA admissions.

Technical Group Discussion:

  • An Emerging trend in the selection process is the introduction of GDs with a technical twist.
Possibility 1: The Group is given a straight forward technical topic and asked to discuss it.Here,the evaluators assess the candidates' technical domain knowledge and power of expression.

Possibility 2: The group is given a brief presentation on some new technology,after which a question or related issue is raised and they are asked to discuss the same.Apart from asssessing the candidates' ability to grasp new concepts and apply them.
  • Sometimes,the technical GD can include a QA session with the recruiter.
  • To work efficiently, a group needs to have within it,a number of different types of characters.In the relatively straightforward categorisation below,the building and maintenance activities are regarded as good,the blocking ones as bad.Make sure that your contribution are always positive.

Building Contributions:
  •     Suggests new or related ideas for discussion
  •     Proposes different approaches to problems
  •     Elaborates and builds on suggestions made by others
  •     Questions proposals made by others,to test their credibility
  •     reviews progress of discussion,and suggests next step
Maintenance Contributions:
  •     Tries to reconcile different points of view
  •     Encourages everyone to contribute
  •     Relieves tension in the air,for example introducing humour,or by moving on the conversion.
  •     Agrees to compromise rather than sticking stubbornly to a point
Blocking Contributions:
  •     Talks excessively
  •     Talks very little
  •     Acts cynically or nonchalantly
  •     Boasts
  •     Carries on private conversations within the group
  •     Shows aggressive behaviour
  •     Criticising group members
  •     Tries to take over the group without members' approval
  •     Stubbornly disagrees and rejects others' views.

Types of Group Discussion Topics for Engineering Students

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Controversial Topics:

Controversial topics are those that can cause a lot of debate and argument because different members will take different sides.

Key Purpose: The Purpose of  giving such topics is to understand the candidates' emotional maturity in expressing individual views and accepting opposing ideas.

  • Privatisation will reduce corruption.
  • Should euthanasia be made legal in india?.
  • Joint family Vs Nuclear family.
  • Globalisation is detrimental to third world countries.
  • Is GD necessary in the recruitment process?
  • Effect of television on youth.
  • Do Women make good managers?.
  • Borderless World :Myth or Reality?.
  • Should CellPhones be banned in colleges.

Abstract Topics:

Abstract topics are vague topics having no particular reference.If given an abstract topic,the participants must explore diverse possibilities and simply spin the yarn! However,such topics are not very popular.

Key Purpose:  Such topics are given to assess the creativity and thinking pattern of the candidates.

  • Reg Green Red
  • Winkle Twinkle Little Star
  • Windows
  • A Drop in the ocean
  • Happy holidays
  • Rules are meant to be broken
  • Nine

What Skills are assessed in a Group Discussion for Engineering Students

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Communication Skills:

  • Two important aspects of communication - Speaking and listening abilities - are assessed in a Group Discussion.
  • While speaking skills are sounded in terms of clarity of thought,coherence,and language proficiency,listening skills are demonstrated through patience and willingness to accommodate others' points.
  • Equally important is non-verbal communication.Body language including posture,eye contact and facial experessions can speak volumes about you without being aware of it.

Interpersonal Skills: 

  • The candidate will be assessed in terms of ability to interact with other members of the group in a competitive environment.These days EQ i.e.,Emotional Quotient , or rather the lack of it,can be a huge deterrent!

"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." 
                                                                                            - Epictetus,Greek Philosopher

Leadership Skills:

  • Leadership skills include the ability to lead,inspire and carry the team along to help achieve the group's objectives.
  • However,bear in mind that not everyone can be a leader.If all ten members in your group try acting as the leader,there could be total chaos.So,do what comes naturally to you.At the fresher's level,it is more important to project yourself as a team player than leader.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." -Steve Jobs,Apple co-founder

Problem Solving Skills:

  • The Candidate's ability to be creative and to come out with offbeat solutions is assessed."Thinking outside the box" is to think differently,unconventionally or from a new perspective.This phrase often refers to creative,smart,and lateral thinking.

Conceptualising Skills:

  • The ability to grasp the situation and apply it to a macro level is considered .It is important  to view the topic from a multi dimensional perspective.Rather than sticking on to routine and stereotypical ideas,think outside the box.For instance,if you are given the topic "Should Women work?",don't jump into the typical middle-class debate of a women juggling work and home.Think beyond the usual.Even nuns,actresses and servant maids are working women.

What is Group Discussion and its Importance

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  • Group Discussion is a filtration tool used by some companies to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and skills they require in their members.
  • Here,a group of candidates(6 to 12 candidates) is given a topic or a situation,given a few minutes to think about the same,and then asked to discuss it among themselves for 15-20 minutes.
  • GD happens to be an important dimension of the selection process,especially by information technology(IT)companies.The organisations are typically on the lookout for candidates who are smart and communicative.During the GD,the panel members essentially evaluate the candidate's potential to be a leader and ability to work as a team member.
"Communication works for those who work at it"- John Powell

C# - Tutorial for Beginners - Part 3

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C# - Beginners Tutorial – 3
Access Specifiers and Characterstics of OOPS

Access Specifiers (in C Sharp) :
  • Access specifiers or Visibility mode is used to discuss about the scope of the variables and functions used inside a class .
  • Access specifiers are mainly used to increase the protection level for the particular Methods or variables used in the class.
  • Access specifiers may be used for implementing the concept of Encapsulation and Abstraction(Which was discussed in the previous tutorial).
  • 5 Major types of Access specifiers are discussed below :
  1.  Public
  2.  Private
  3.  Protected
  4.  Internal
  5.  Protected internal
  • Public access specifier allows a class to share its members and functions with other classes. It may be within or outside the application.
  • Any member declared as public can be accessed anywhere in the class.
  • Private access specifier allows a class to share its members and functions only within the same class.
  • Members and Methods declared in one class cannot be accessed from outside the class.
  • When a method is declared private , even the instance of that class cannot access it .
  • Protected access specifiers provides access only for the derived class to access its member variables and functions within the application.
  • Protected member variables and functions cannot be accessed from outside the class.
  • The default access specifier is Internal.
  • A member variable or function declared internal can be accessed by any of the class or method within the application..
  • Internal members cannot be accessed from the classes outside the Application.
  • Protected Internal access specifier allows a class to expose its member variables and functions to the class containing it , its child class , any other classes within the application.

  • They are not applicable to the classes outside the application.
These Access specifiers will be explained with the example using C Sharp in the next tutorial, so that you can get a clear idea about how and where to use the access specifiers.


1)    Realistic Modeling :

  • Everything we use in our programs are objects . Real world objects are also present . These objects may contain its own attributes and behaviours. These attributes and behaviours depict how the object acts and reacts.

2)    Reusability :

  • This characterstics depicts that the Member variables and methods used in a class can be reused. The existing methods and functions can be used anywhere in an application.This feature of reusability makes Object oriented approach a more standard and efficient one.

3)    Flexibility to Change :

  • In an existing system , when a change is to be brought, the existing system need not be completely destroyed. Enhancement of some new features in the existing system makes it as a new system. New features can be easily added in the existing system to bring a new product. Thus OOPS provides you a flexibility in efficient change of the System.
  • In the upcoming tutorials we will just move on to the Introduction to Compilers , how does it works and Syntax for declaring variables processing operations in C Sharp and Various Programs will be updated for your reference . Kindly Make use of it .


Thursday, December 26, 2013

C# Tutorial For Beginners - Part 2

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Hey Engineers,
Lets Make it easy with .
Here is the second Tutorial for Beginners hoping to learn C Sharp . We make it in a simple understandable legible way to convey the Concept that are embedded in C Sharp :)

Easy way of learning with Complete Understanding gives you big results :)

In this tutorial u will learn about the clear definitions and examples of
1) Classes and Objects
2)Messages and Methods
3)Abstraction and  Encapsulation


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

C# - Tutorials For Beginners - Part 1

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Hi Engineers,Welcome to the world of,

We hereby provide you an Opportunity for Easy learning of Programming languages which u feel as tough !!!

Here is the First tutorial for beginners to learn about the basics of C Sharp(Introduction to OOPS concept) .

Stay Tuned with us to get the Update regularly .


                                           DOWNLOAD TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS - 1

Anna University EC2209 Data structures and Object Oriented Programming Lab Programs

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1. Basic Programs for C++ Concepts.

2. Array implementation of List Abstract Data Type (ADT).

3. Linked list implementation of List ADT.

4. Cursor implementation of List ADT.

5. Stack ADT - Array and linked list implementations

             (a) Program source files for Stack Application 1

             (b) Array implementation of Stack ADT

             (c) Linked list implementation of Stack ADT

             (d) Program source files for Stack Application 2

An appropriate header file for the Stack ADT should be #included in (a) and (d)

6. Implement any Stack Application using array implementation of Stack ADT (by implementing files (a) and (b) given above) and then using linked list implementation of Stack ADT (by using files (a) and implementing file (c))

7. Queue ADT – Array and linked list implementations

8. Search Tree ADT - Binary Search Tree

9. Heap Sort

10. Quick Sort

Download 1         Download 2

Anna University EC2307 Communication System Lab Matlab Programs

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Hai Engineers,

Here is the Anna university EC2307 Communication System for ECE Students of Fifth Semester ECE of Anna University. I have added all matlab programs done in the 5th semester of Anna university ECE students.

Matlab Programs for
  • Amplitude Shift keying (ASK)
  • Frequency Shift keying(FSK)
  • Phase Shift keying(PSK)
  • Linear Block Code
  • Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK)

10 Tips to write an Effective Resume for Engineers

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1.Keep it short.The Effective resume is preferably one page,two at the most.If you've written a novel,tear it apart and whittle it down to one or two pages.

2.It must be easy to read.That means the effective resume is well organized with clear headings,brief statements of responsibility,bulleted points for emphasizing achievements.

3.It must avoid overly specific professional jargon.Keep in mind that your resume is likely to be read first by someone in the HR department who may not have a clue as to what you're talking about. Take care to craft a resume with universal appeal so as to at least get to the starting gate.

4.Curb your design enthusiasm.That means limiting your font selection to one or two.Use the traditional and popular Times New Roman if you prefer lettering with a serif,or consider Arial,Helvetica or Verdana if you prefer san serif fonts,lacking the slight projection finishing off a stroke of a letter.Go easy on the bold and the underlining. Limit your paper selection to white or beige.

5.The Effective resume is tailored for a specific position.Granted,that may mean cranking out slight variations of your resume every day of the week to target different job postings.Nobody said a job search was a walk in the park.

6.Portray yourself as a problem solver.

7.Quantify your accomplishments with hard numbers whenever possible.

8.Don't mention your expected salary on the resume.

9.Don't mention too much personal information,like whether or not you have kids,how many kids you have,whether or not your hobbies include golf or listening for extra-terrestrials with the modified ham radio contraption in your garage.Especially that last one.

10.Check,Check,Check for misspellings.Don't ever,ever,ever submit a resume or post it online without doing a spellcheck.In fact,take it a step further and have one or two friends or colleagues proofread the resume for speelling and grammer errors.Do this because an automated spell check program will not know that you erred by using a verb in the present tense when referring to a project in the past tense.None of this may seem that critical to you,but it's critical to the hiring official.

How to Prepare for Paper Presentation in Symposium and Conferences

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  • What is a Paper Presentation?  How to Prepare for Paper Presentation in symposium?  How to Present a Paper in front of public? In this regard, we hereby give our own analyzed way of presenting a paper in a gentle manner . The general point to be noted regarding this is that the way of selecting your topic for presentation. It must be a unique such that you gather your ideas in a brief manner . 
  • You should have the capability to make the audience understand about your topic precisely. The way of selection differs between symposium and Conferences . Symposium carries away just already presented papers to be explained and answering the queries . 
  • But Conferences are something special which gives you a challenging opportunity for generating your own ideas and presenting it . The queries may be asked by the Professionals who have got doctorates in technical syllabus. The first thing we need to do is to Lose our stage fear .
Losing stage fear brings you merely to winning stage:
  • For Example:  If you are going to present a paper on " WiFi Technology",You have prepare your abstract and Full Length Paper for this you have to collect information from internet source and books.
  • You have to then Arrange the information like Defining the Topic(What is What?),Key terms like (Bandwidth,Frequency) ,Advantages and Disadvantages, Current trend in the topic and Future Advanced Technology(Upgrade if any), and Applications.
Preparing Abstract and Full Length Paper & Power Point PPT:
  • Abstract - It is the details in short i.e., Not exceeding more than three paragraph. Paper Should be in IEEE format :  Example IEEE Paper
  • For the heading the font size is 14 .For the sub-heading the font size is 12.You have to prepare the HARD COPY(Print out paper) of your topic and submit it to the place of presentation.
  • Power Point PPT:  You have to then prepare the SOFT COPY(Power point PPT) in your topic. In PPT,you should mention only key points.Also the PPT should not be of DARK colour, Light Colour is preferred in PPT with minimal & Clean design.  Make  no.of slides according to the time allocated and your way of speech.
Explaining your topic :
  • Don't exceed the time limit given by the organizers. Try to explain your ideas gently within the time span of 6-7 minutes . If two were in the team just share the time span equally . Queries section brings you much challenge . Don't be dumb while queries section. Even if you don't know the answer try to explain something which is much similar to the question that the judges ask you. If one of your team member answers all the questions the judges might get some bad impression about your team work since it will be one-sided. So both of you in the team should be able to answer the questions in a clear manner.                       
  • "Participation is More Important than Winning".
  • "Participating in more paper presentations might improve your professionalism and reduce your stage fear".

Anna University ECE 7th Semester Subject Lecture Notes

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Anna university  -  Electronics and Communication Engineering Department:

Final Year 7th Semester Lecture Notes for all Subjects  including Wireless communication,Optical communication and Networking,Radio Frequency and Mirowave Engineering,Total Quality Management,Digital Image Processing,High Speed Networks,Advanced Microproessors,Cryptography and Network security and Advanced Digital Signal Processing.

1.Wireless Communication Lecture Notes

2.Optical Communication and Networking

3.High Speed Networks

4.Total Quality Management

5.Radio Frequency and Mirowave Engineering 2Marks with Answers

6.Electronic System Design Lab

"Anna University ECE 7th Semester Subject Lecture Notes"

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Online Engineering Resources for Engineering Students

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Hai Engineers,

Iam writing this post while iam in my project hour of my college at final semester,simultaneously searching for projects in electronics and communication engineering and getting innovative ideas from many websites useful for me.Here iam listing the sites that are opened on my browser .Check out all. It will be useful for getting project ideas.

1.IEEExplore     -    Database for all IEEE Projects (Abstracts can be accessed for all NON-SUBSCRIBERS)

2.ScienceDirect   - There are over 12 million technical articles and books available in this website :) :) . Physcial science and Engineering , Life Science and Engineering , Health Science and Engineering , Social Science and humanities are listed more here .

3.Springer(EEE,CSE and Mechanical)  - Springer is a resource for researcher providing millions of scienfic documents including journals, books,protocols,series and reference works.

4.ASCE (Civil) - Must have Resource for All Civil Engineers.

5.McGraw-Hill Access Engineering  -  Wide variety of subject resources are available like Biomedical,Chemical,Civil,Communication,Electronics,Electrical,Energy,Petroleum,Environmental,Sustainable,Industial,Mechanical,Operation management and Softwares.

6.J-Gate Engineering and Technology - largest E-Journal Gateway featuring Agricultural and biological sciences,Arts and Humanities,Basic Science and Biomedical sciences,Engineering,Technology,Social and mangement Sciences.

7.ASTM Digital Library        Link2  - ASTM Digital Library

"Online Engineering Resources for Engineering Students"

Saturday, December 14, 2013

How to Prepare Your Resume for Job Interviews

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What is a Resume?

  • A Resume is a snapshot of a person's background,achievements,interests,and  track record for a specific employment search.The Resume is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used  to screen applicants,followed by subsequent selection processes.
  • Your resume is like portrait.Certain features which enhance your looks can be added (genuine ones though!) but supporting evidence is required.
  • In some regions of the world,the term " resume" is used interchangeably with curriculum vitae(CV) while in other places,the two terms refer to very different documents.A Resume is a standard inclusion with any job or internship application.
  • As a general rule, a resume is only one page long,although special circumstances may call for an additional page.
What is the purpose of a Resume?
  • The term 'Curriculum Vitae'(CV) is derived from latin and translated means "the way your life has run".In simple terms,a CV is a personal statement outlining your life from an educational and professional point of view.
  • The idea of a CV is to get you an interview i.e., your foot in the door,not to get you the job.Your CV should reflect your occupational and educational life and be relevant to the position you are applying for.Think of it as a personal marketing platform to sell yourself to a prospective employer.
Implications of a well written resume:
  • A Good resume projects you as a person of some standards with good writing skills.A great resume is a marketing brochure.
  • This resume highlights the scope and depth of your knowledge.It describes the skills you have developed till date that relates to your employer's needs.A great resume communicates a compelling reason for the prospective employer to need and want  your services.It is nothing but a self-advertisement.It doesn't just tell the potential employer about you but also makes the same assertion that all good ads do.
  • IF you buy this product,you will get these specific,direct benefits.Similarly,if you hire me,you will get these objectives fulfilled.
  • While preparing your resume,bear in mind that potential employers will only spend a mere 30-60 seconds reading your life history.So, it is essential that it captures the interest of the recruiter within the 30 seconds in which he needs to understand you and view you as a potential for his company. Remember,1 resume gets selected out of 10 resumes and That 1 should be yours. Pay attention to the content,format and structure.Otherwise,your resume will find the trash bin! :( Initial Screeners do not segregate resumes based on details.They merely go by the key words - so choose them carefully.

Top 25 Popular Interview Questions for Engineers

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Top 25 Popular Interview Questions for Engineers:

1.Tell me about yourself.

(A Slightly twisted varient:          Tell me something about yourself which is not there in your resume)

2.What do you know about this organization?

3.Why do you want to work for this organization?

4.What is your salary expectation?

5.Do you prefer working on your own or in a team?

6.Are you a team player?

7.How long would you expect to work for us if hired?

8.Explain how you would be an asset to this organization.

9.Why should we hire you?

10.How has your education prepared you for your career?

11.What is your greatest strength?

12.What is your greatest weakness?

13.What qualities do you have that'll make you a good manager?

14.If you had to live your life over again,what one thing would you change?

15.Why did you choose this college for your graduation?

16.Where do you see yourself in five years?

17.What is more important to you - the money or the work?

18.What do you expect from your boss?

19.What motivates you?

20.Are you willing to travel?

21.What will you do if you don't get this position?

22.Tell us about your internship experience and what you learnt?

23.What extracurricular activities have you participated in during college,and how did they help prepare you for the position you are applying for?

24.Do you know anyone who works for us?

25.Well,that seems to have covered everthing.Is there any thing you would like to ask me?

What are Soft Skills and Why are they important for an Engineer

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  • Soft Skills are a bunch of intangible ,non-technical Skills,typically hard to evaluate in a twenty-minute express interviews.
  • Effective Communication,which includes active listening as well as excellent language skills,leadership traits and team-spirit,assertiveness and the right amount of diffidence,will make you a 'Soft Skill'-ed employee,and a very valuable one at that.
  • At this juncture,what's most relevant to you is the soft skills that'll help you ace the demanding selection process.
  • To master this,you'll first have to understand about the Recruitment process,Resume Preparation,Group Discussion and Interview Process.

The Hard Case for Soft Skills:

1.Emotional Competence is central to be successful in a leadership position.

2.Leaders must be able to handle various stressful situations.

3.In addition the ability to establish Trust and Rapport is also crucial.

4.The Importance of Emotional Intelligence increases the higher a worker advances in an organization.

5.The Ability to relate,to speak up and to be heard,to be comfortable with yourself-these are the kinds of abilities that make the crucial difference.

Careers and jobs in Google and Facebook

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How to Get a Job at Google or Facebook:

Getting a job at top internet marketing giants like google,facebook can be dream for many aspiring and enthusists engineers.Sincerely iam saying getting a good job at google,facebook is damn easy until you have 200% interest in them and inspirational skills to impress them with.

Note:  Google or Facebook seeks only real humans with good creative ability and problem solving skills with team spirit. They donot recruit humans with machine like brain to store 1000 pages of books.

Facebook has many teams in various fields of facebook functionalities.The Operating departments in facebook are Software Engineering, Legal, Finance, Facilities, Administration, Communication, Public policy,Product management,Information Technology,Security,People interface,Recruiting well talented engineers,Design and User interface,Infrastructure,Data and Analysis,Sales and business development,Online Operations and Marketing.

Goto Facebook careers to know more :   Click here

Google also has many teams in various fields of Google operations and functionalities.The Functioning departments in Google are Engineering,Design,Operations,Support,Product management,Development Relations,Technical Solutions,Sales,Account management,Product,Customer Support,Partnerships,Sales operations,Administrative,business strategy,Finance,Google Organisation,Legal and Government Relations,Marketing and Communications,people operations,Real estate and Workplace services.

Goto Google careers to know more :  Click here

You can search your dream job through their Location or Team(Post).

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Anna University EC2306 Digital Signal Processing Matlab Lab Programs

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Anna University EC2306 Digital Signal Processing Matlab Lab Programs:

Hai Engineers,
Here is the EC2306 Digital Signal Processing Matlab Lab programs for ECE Students of Fifth Semester ECE of Anna University. I have added all Matlab programs done in the 5th semester of Anna university ECE students.
Matlab Programs for
  • Generation of Signals  -  Unit Step,Impulse,Ramp,Sine wave,Cosine wave,Exponential Increasing and Decreasing Signal,Square Signal,Triangular wave signal.
  • Linear and circular convolution of two sequences,Cross Correlation.
  • Sampling and effect of aliasing.
  • Parsevals Theorem.
  • Design of FIR filters.
  • Design of IIR filters.
  • Chebyshev & Analog Butterworth Filter.
  • Calculation of FFT of a signal.
  • Decimation & Interpolation by polyphase decomposition.
  • Periodogram Estimation.
  • DSP Processor

Anna University HS610 Cumulative Skills English Lab II Study Materials

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Anna University HS610 Cumulative Skills English Lab II Study Materials:

Hai Engineers,

Here is the Study materials for Anna University HS610 Cumulative Skills English Lab II .The Portions added are Synonyms,Antonyms and Sentence Completion. There are totally 7 different Question sets for all three Exercises. Make use of this stuff effectively Engineers.This Study materials are prepared while we are doing our engineering studies.


How to Read College Textbooks

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Your textbooks are an important tool in college learning. You may not have cracked many  textbooks in high school, but if you want to succeed in college, you need to become acquainted with your textbooks and learn how to use them! You paid a lot of money for them – don't let that go to waste.

Your textbooks can:
  • help you to be prepared for lecture so you won't feel overwhelmed by so many new ideas.

  • help you find answers to questions you had during class.

  • provide pictures, diagrams, and illustrations that make learning more interesting.

  • give practice questions and problems that can help you know what to study.

  • let you review at your own pace, unlike lecture where you can't ask the teacher to stop so that you can think about something.
There's no doubt about it, reading a textbook is hard work. There is a lot of information packed into every paragraph, and the sentence structure is often complex. But with a few tips, you can conquer this challenge and have a real advantage in your classes. With practice, you will find yourself reading more quickly, and remembering and understanding more of what you read. The following tips can help you get better at reading textbooks:

Start with a positive attitude:  If you are dreading sitting down with a textbook, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “I can do this.”

Choose a good environment: Give yourself the best chance for success by choosing a good time and place to read. Find a location that is comfortable, but not so comfortable that it makes you sleepy – a comfortable upright chair in front of a table or desk is usually best – the library may be a good place.

Try to avoid reading where there is too much noise or too many distractions. If total quiet bothers you, try some soft music, preferably without lyrics (otherwise, you'll find your brain singing along instead of paying attention to the words you are reading). Also, try to choose a good time of day for reading – not too early in the morning or too late at night.

Don't put it off:  Trying to read the whole chapter the night before a test is a recipe for a bad reading experience. It is better to read a few pages one day, a few pages the next, using your syllabus to keep current with the course.

Review your notes first: If you plan to read about something that has already been discussed in class, review the material in your notes before you begin reading. Having the concepts fresh in your mind will make understanding the reading much easier. You can also pinpoint things in your notes that you need extra help understanding, and focus on those in your reading.

Skim ahead:  Before you dive into the text, do a quick preview of what you're going to read. If you get the big picture first, it will help you to make sense of the details. Look for headings, words in bold print, notes at the side, and summaries which can help make sense of the text.

Do it in chunks: Read one paragraph or section at a time, using the headings or paragraph breaks to break the reading up into manageable chunks. Look for the main idea and supporting ideas in each paragraph. Try to figure out what each sentence is saying before going on to the next.

Take notes: As you read, write some notes on a separate piece of paper, outlining the main ideas of the text. Putting it in your own words will help you understand and remember. This will force you to process the information so that you can summarize the main ideas. It will also be helpful as you look back at your notes to see the big picture of what you’re reading about.

Look up words: If you come across words you don't know, look them up. If they are words that have to do with the subject matter, try the glossary at the back of the textbook. If they are regular English words, use a dictionary. Don't waste time guessing what something means when it would only take 30 seconds to know for sure.

Pause to review: After each paragraph or section, stop and review. Say to yourself, now, what did I just read? Explain the main idea out loud, in your head, or on paper. Reread if you need to to make sure you've got it.

Mark main ideas: Underline or highlight key points. Be sparing – if you highlight nearly every sentence, it won't help much! Force yourself to wait until you finish the section to go back and mark what's really important.

Create questions and look for answers:  One commonly used method is to turn the headings into a questions before you read, and write these on cards or a piece of paper. If the heading says “The Ideal Gas Law,” you could write “What is the ideal gas law?” Then as you read, look for the answers to these questions and write them down on the other side. These questions and answers will be a great help when it comes time to study for the test!

Turn statements into questions and answers:  Another way to do this is to create questions as you are reading by turning statements into questions, then writing the answer on the other side of the page or card. If you read “Many yellow or orange fruits and vegetables such as apricots, cantalope, pumkin, and peaches are good sources of vitamin A,” you could write, “How can you recognize foods that may be a good sources of vitamin A?” Then on the other side of the card write, “yellow or orange colored fruits and vegetables.”

Get your ears involved: Find a secluded spot and try reading out loud – this can help keep your mind focused, and brings the part of your brain in charge of interpreting speech into the effort. Try reading into a tape recorder and listening to the tape.

Two heads are better than one: You can also try reading the chapter out loud with another student and discussing what it means together. This can be a great activity for a study group. Quiz each other on what you have read. If you don't have a partner available, try explaining what you have learned to a friend or family member who is willing to listen. Teaching and explaining is a powerful way to learn!

Use practice problems:  If there are comprehension questions or practice problems, do them on scratch paper (even if they weren't assigned!). You can also look ahead at these questions before you read and look for the answers while you read. Looking for answers to questions makes reading much easier.

Work on reading faster:  It takes time to read well, but if you find yourself reading so slowly that you aren't able to get through the pages that you need to, work on speeding up. Try to avoid mouthing the words or following along with your finger – read groups of words together rather than each one separately. Concentrate on trying to read as fast as you can and still understand what you are reading – just trying to read faster can train your brain to do so. If you need to, look on the internet, find a book,or take a class on improving your reading skills.

Take breaks:  Your brain can only focus well on something for about 20 minutes. After that, it becomes difficult to concentrate and be productive. So don't try to read from more than 20 minutes without a 3-5 minute break. Get up and walk around, get a drink, take out the garbage, do some dishes, play with your kids, run around the building, whatever. Then come back and go at it again.

Get rid of distracting thoughts:  If you are having a hard time concentrating because you keep thinking about other things, take out a blank sheet of paper and free write for 5 or 10 minutes about whatever you are thinking about. This can have the effect of emptying your brain onto the page, and helps get worries or basketball games or TV shows or whatever off your mind so that you can concentrate. If you are worried about what you need to get done, make a list of everything you need to do and prioritize it. Having a plan can help you focus on one thing at a time.

Why and How Soft Skills Matters

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Why and How Soft Skills Matter:

Making Sure Your Hard Skills Shine :
  • To get, and keep, a job you typically need a repertoire of technical skills. Dentists need to know how to fill cavities. Secretaries need to type 100+ words per minute. Accountants need to be certified.
  •  Beyond the technical skills, though, which dentist do you go to? The one who is pleasant and takes time to answer your questions; or the one who treats you like a number in a long line of numbered mouths?
  • Which secretary do you retain when times are lean? The one whose attitude is positive and upbeat, and who is always willing to help; or the one who is inflexible and has a hard time admitting mistakes?
  • Likewise, think about accountants. The one who has a great work ethic and encourages his colleagues is the one who will, most likely, excel in his position and organization.
  • In these situations, and all the others like them, it's the soft skills that matter.
  • While your technical skills may get your foot in the door, your people skills are what open most of the doors to come. Your work ethic, your attitude, your communication skills, your emotional intelligence and a whole host of other personal attributes are the soft skills that are crucial for career success.
  • With these soft skills you can excel as a leader. Problem solving, delegating, motivating, and team building are all much easier if you have good soft skills. Knowing how to get along with people – and displaying a positive attitude – are crucial for success.
  • The problem is, the importance of these soft skills is often undervalued, and there is far less training provided for them than hard skills. For some reason, organizations seem to expect people know how to behave on the job. They tend to assume that everyone knows and understands the importance of being on time, taking initiative, being friendly, and producing high quality work.
  • Assuming that soft skills are universal leads to much frustration. That's why it's so important to focus as much on soft skills training and development as you do on traditional hard skills.
The Soft Skills Gap - Do You Have One?

When your workforce has lots of technical skills but an absence of soft skills, you have a soft skills gap. Soft skills are what accompany the hard skills, and help your organization use its technical expertise to full advantage.
  • If you're really good at getting clients, and not so good at retaining them, chances are you have a soft skills gap.
  • If you have lots of staff turnover and have to keep retraining people, chances are you have a soft skills gap.
  • When you have lots of managers but no real leaders – that's a soft skills gap.
In fact, whenever you are unable to capitalize on the wealth of knowledge, experience and proficiency within your team, then you should be assessing the level of communication and interpersonal skills that are present in your organization.

The workplace has evolved an interpersonal dynamic that can't be ignored. The acts of listening, presenting ideas, resolving conflict, and fostering an open and honest work environment all come down to knowing how to build and maintain relationships with people. It's those relationships that allow people to participate fully in team projects, show appreciation for others, and enlist support for their projects.

It's important for you to recognize the vital role soft skills play within your team and not only work on developing them within yourself, but encourage their development throughout the organization. Areas to examine and evaluate include:
  • Personal accountability.
  • The degree of collaboration.
  • Interpersonal negotiation skills.
  • Conflict resolution.
  • People's adaptability and flexibility.
  • The clarity of communications.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Inclusion
  • Coaching and mentoring.
The more of these things you see around you, the better people's soft skills are likely to be within your organization. These all have a significant impact on the attitude a person brings to interactions with clients, customers, colleagues, supervisors, and other stakeholders. The more positive someone's attitude is, the better that person's relationships will be. That's what fosters great team performance, and leads people to contribute strongly to the organization's vision and strategy.

Companies offering Inplant Training in Chennai for Engineering Students

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Companies offering Inplant Training in Chennai for Engineering Students:

Why IPT is important for getting placement in leading MNCs?
  • InPlant Training provides a real time exposure to engineering graduates.
  • To transform students theoretical knowledge to a practical approach.
  • Helps to understand the difference between the theoretical and practical approach.
  • Industries are recruiting many practical trained students rather than bookaholic student
  • IPTs serve as an added advantage during campus job recruitments.
  • IPT helps students to know about the Current Industry Trends and much more.

Here are the List of Companies and their webaddress that offer Inplanttraining(IPT) to Engineering students :

1.Uniq Technologies:

4.KaaShiv InfoTech:

5.ZealSoft Technology Solutions:

(List Will be updated Soon)

10 Important Tips to Perform Well in Group Discussion

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1. The first and foremost important thing is you must have a subject knowledge as well as latest happenings around you every where.

2. Read various magazines and various reserach papers and newspapers....,so that you can get a wide knowledge about various issues. Avoid last minute preparation.

3. Concentrate more on your communication skills..,that plays an important role not only in group discussion but also where ever you go and survey.

4. Body gestures are very important...,this will tell a lot about you and the panelists will observe about how you communicate with others..? and your body gestures.

5. During the group discussion listen to the topic carefully and understand it and make a note about it, before you start your discussion.

6. Try to be an initiator and conclude your GD i.e.,(be the first person to start the discussion and try to conclude yourself), if the conclusion haven't came to an end.,keep your time don't go out of it during GD.

7. Listen what others are saying in your team and also respect their view point.

8. If you do not agree with other's point from your team.don't raise your tone because the panelists will watch your way of communication and your body language well.

9. Make the discussion as an interactive one and the session must provide a good solution regarding your topic and also don't get tensed and shy,while you are involving in GD.

10.Before the group discussion starts and after it ends, discuss with your team members about the information regarding the issues that need to be discussed and how the session was interactive one.,this will show your team work.,so that you can able to create a friendly environment where ever you go and survey.

Dear Friend's and Subscriber's,these are  some of  the tips needed to be known before you go for any Group Discussion.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

DSP(Digital Signal Processing) 5th Lesson Notes for CSE and ECE Students

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Digital Signal processing notes for 5 th lesson for 7th Sem Computer science and Engineering students and 5th semester students of Electronics and Communication Engineering is Completely Available here .

Monday, December 9, 2013

TCS Interview Process

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  • Tata Consultancy Services is one of the biggest company in software industry. Working under a popular banner is always a matter of prestige. The TCS interview process of this year is changed slightly.
  • First process is you will have to register in the nextstep portal of TCS either as "Through Campus" Applicants or "Non Campus Applicant" .
  • Once after registering you have to register for the drive by giving the personal, academic and other background details. The clear instructions will be given through either the company or through the college.

  • Next step is you have to register for "Apply for Drive" option. The final application document to be downloaded and printed for taking it to the drive.
  • These are the pre-process steps for the campus drive. It may change if it is an ERP or Walk-in-Interview.
  • The first round was aptitude and verbal ability round.It is an online test. You will get verbal ability test where you may be asked to write an email or memo or letter.The hints and word limit will be specified. The answer must contain all the words given and extra words or sentences can be added wherever applicable and required to make the whole content understandable.
  • Be cautious that the whole passage obey the limit rules. The word usage, grammar, punctuation should be kept in mind. The second round will be aptitude round. The questions will be displayed and you can pass the question or move front or backward or flag the question for review. You can make use of the scientific calculator provided. 0.33 marks will be deducted for negative answer.
  • The second round will be technical and HR or it will be a separate one based on the company's decision. The panel may have two or three interviewers. It is better to be clear on the basics of your area of interest. All the details furnished in the resume like workshops attended, internship details must be very clear.
  • Make sure that you are strong also in the basic concepts, concepts involved in papers presented and basic programs. Wear a smiling face throughout the process and talk boldly and loudly. Feel free and avoid being tense. Have faith in yourself which is the only passport to success. All the best!!

This is a Guest Post from Abinaya Gomathi from Creative Technocrayts

Monday, December 2, 2013 - First Post

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Hai Students,

This is the First post iam posting in my website consists of Wide Knowledge in Various fields of topics like Engineering,Programming,Technology,Placement,Projects and Competitive website is open to all students,who want to share useful information with other students in india. First Post

"Any student can register and contribute to this website by the means of useful articles and helpful tutorials."

I hope,you will enjoy your stay with!!!Coming back to content.In this site,you read many content related to all departments of Engineering and Technology like Computer science and Engineering,Electronics and Communication Engineering,Mechanical Engineering,Electronics and Electrical Engineering,Information Technology,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Civil,Marine,Aeronautical Engineering.


Yours Admin,
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