Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The UnTold Facts about Mumbai Attack 26/11 - Part 1

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The UnTold Facts about Mumbai Attack 26/11 - Part 1:

  • Introduction: God gives us our mother earth to live peacefully in it.Everybody like a peaceful life but the world is not living so.Every Country doesn't like the development of other countries.More than that,there are some cold wars between some development of other countries.More than that,there are some cold wars between some developed countries in terms of technical development,space research,nuclear weapon developments etc... Among these,the biggest threat for peace is terrorism.Terrorism is spread all over the world.It also classified into different types,for example,some group of people are fighting for their rights using violence and terror actions against the rulers or the government of their countries.It is also a type of terrorism.Some politicians take terrorism as a tool to fulfill their requirements.Some group of individuals involve in terrorism in the name of bombing explosions,killing innocent people,suicide attacks,hijacking and hostage crisis.

  • Biggest Terrorist Attacks: The world experiences some unforgettable attacks in different places.Examples for such type of attacks are 9/11 World Trade Centre attack in New York,3/11 blasts in Madrid,7/7 London blasts,Oklahoma City bombing,26/11 attack in Mumbai .Many terrorist units are functioning inside a small area ,say within a country or state but some terrorist units are functioning in many countries.These type of units are capable of performing attacks whose outcome is very devastating.These units are the biggest threat to the security of this fragile planet. Terrorist Activities Against INDIA: INDIA is one of the countries in the united nations Counter -Terrorism committee which fights against terrorism; United States is the pioneer in restricting and destroying the terrorist groups in all over the world especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan .Indian cities Mumbai,Kolkata,Hyderabad and pune also faced some vulnerable attacks since the later decades of 20th Century.In India,Mumbai is the city which is most targeted by the terrorists.Pakistan based militant groups like Laskhar-e-Taiba,Mujahideen,Al-jihad are responsible for attacks in India.The main reason for these attacks is kashmir conflict between Indian and Pakistan.These proxy-militant units,in the name of holy war,involve in such activities to rescue kashmir from India.These units attract the poor youngsters from some rural areas of Pakistan.They brainwash those youngsters and provide financial support to their family.Now a question may arise how can they train people equal to the rigorous army training independently? The Answer is some of the militants from Pakistan Army and the veterans of these units give training to these freshers.They also get direct and indirect support from Pakistan Army and Pakistan's Intelligence Agency(ISI-Inter Services Intelligence).

{Continued in Part-2}


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