Saturday, February 1, 2014

Drowsy Driver Detection and Warning System

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  • In this project our proposed system is used for finding the status of the driver and to alert him in case of drowsiness.DDDS is a non-invasive method to detect the drowsiness in the transportation industry and it would allow avoidance of accidents due to loss of alertness.In DDDS,a web camera is used for capturing the video,which is then splitted into frames.Then the face is detected through skin tone detection method using YCbCr color space. 
    • Now the eye region is segmented from the face area,which is then used for template matching technique.In order to detect whether the driver is drowsy or not,the status of the eye has to be tracked.For this the centroid of the eye has to be calculated.If the centroid cannot be found for ten consecutive frames,the system draws the conclusion that the driver is falling asleep.Thus the driver fatigue is confirmed and issuing a warning signal can alert the driver.The experimental results show validity of our proposed method.


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